Revolves around modern art, things that are impossible or difficult to accomplish in the ordinary world. Small things turn up to be gigantic or vice versa, the make-up room mirror...
Revolves around modern art, things that are impossible or difficult to accomplish in the ordinary world. Small things turn up to be gigantic or vice versa, the make-up room mirror...
Entering into the mysterious ancient Egypt. Explore the haunted mausoleum the resting place of Pharaoh King, which contain the curse of death. Caught the lifeless mummy and the great gods...
A place to express diversified stereoscopic image on animal world. Come here to take a lot of interesting photos with animals you may hardly access to such as lion bear,...
The Door here welcomes you to fairy homeland with fabulous and unbelievable things such as fairy wings, giant trees, etc.
Central Hall is our bigest zone and the main attraction of Art in Paradise.Central Hall is home to Viet Nam's largst painting.
Step inside replicas of art classics from the likes of Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt and Leonardo Da Vinci. Be a part of history’s greatest masterpieces.
The Optical Zone is the concept of 3D trick art. It contains exhibits designed to trick the eyes. Here, visitors will experience how imagery can be manipulated to create believable...